What is MBSR?
Mind Body Spirit Release™ also known as MBSR is a way to identify and clear what is preventing you from living your best life on an energetic level. Emotions can get stuck in the body from anything as simple as being pushed in the hall as a kid or from something more traumatic. If we don't properly process the emotions they get stuck in our body which prevents us from operating at the most optimal level. Stuck emotions can create disharmony in the body and prevent us from thriving. Through MBSR we can recognize these stuck emotions and release them. We identify the emotions through muscle testing. Our muscles are connected to our nervous system and when our body is presented with something that causes it stress the muscles go weak. Once the "stressors" are identified a cold laser is used on acupuncture points or meridians on the body which opens the energetic body to allowing the release of the negative emotions/toxins. This then allows the body to be in a better energetic flow and allows the body to heal easier.

What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle Testing is a way to connect with the nervous system and identify things that either strengthen or weaken it.
Parts of a Mind Body Spirit Release™ session
Choose the day and time you would like your MBSR session. When you book you will be able to choose a Zoom or Phone call appointment. Once you book you will get an email with an intake form. Please fill it out before your session.
At your appointment time, we will chat via Zoom or phone for about 20 mins. This is where you will talk about yourself and what you would like to get out of your MBSR session.
Intention Setting
We will get off of our call and I will take the notes from our chat and write and intention for you. I will then text you the intention for your approval. This is your chance to change anything and make sure the intention feels authentic to you.
After you approve your intention, I will get to work doing the research to find the blocks that you are ready to release. You can spend this time doing anything you want: relaxing, meditating, or going about your normal daily life. After I do the research I will clear the blocks.
After the Clearing
I will email you your clearing notes. Your clearing notes will include information on the blocks and imbalances found and released. They will also include action steps for you to take to be an active part of your healing. I will also text you a voice memo with additional explanations.
I will always test to see when your body will be ready to be cleared again on the same intention. Healing happens in layers. Often times it takes multiple clearings on the same intention to get deep healing. Each clearing removes a layer of blocks.