After a conversation with you to discuss what you are hoping to get out of your MBSR session, I will write an intention for you. This will be what the clearing is done around.
When I first had an MBSR session done, I had no idea what my options were, what I wanted worked on or what I could work on. I wanted to create this page to show you just some of the ideas of things that MBSR can help with. Please know that really there is no limit to what you can work on with an MBSR session and I will work directly with you to create a personalized intention.
I am now, at all times, on all levels and with grace and ease a vibrantly healthy woman. My lungs are clear and I breathe with ease. My mind, body, and spirit are kept in perfect, peaceful harmony without any adverse effects from this clearing.
I am now, at all times and on all levels with grace and ease open and receptive to true love. It is safe for me to be in a loving, balanced relationship with a partner who is supportive and caring.
I am now and at all times on all levels a successful, fulfilled man. Abundance flows to me and I am confident in my skills.
I now, at all times and on all levels live a joy filled life. My days are filled with laughter and happiness. The people in my life bring me laughter and enjoyment.
I am now, at all times and on all levels a patient and understanding mother. Our family is filled with laughter and happiness. I parent from a place of grace and ease. My children know that they are loved and supported.
My relationship with ______ is harmonious and agreeable. We communicate openly and honestly. We are free of any and all old patterns and blocks that hinder our highest and best relationship. Our relationship is vibrant and healthy.